Grace. What a beautiful and yet largely misunderstood concept in the bible. Quick, without looking it up, what is the biblical definition of Grace and how does it apply to the believer? … don’t worry I’ll wait… Hard to answer, huh? The fact of the matter is that very few believers truly understand what grace is and that’s most disheartening for a couple of reasons: 1) Understanding God’s grace is the only way to live a victorious life and reign over sin and 2) If we don’t understand, there’s no way we can minister it to others and explain it to the unbeliever. Grace is simply the free, unmerited, and undeserved favor of God. Actually, grace isn’t a concept at all, it’s a person! As it says in John 1:17, Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. This is different than the law which was engraved on stones and given from a distance. But God demonstrates his relational nature and love for us by physically coming down to show the world his grace and truth.
What’s unfortunate is that we still have a multitude of gospel preachers and teachers today who equate righteousness and truth with the works of the law, or you’ll have one who tries to mix the two. Have you ever heard something like.. “Grace is good but you have to be careful with that, it’s important to hold people responsible,” or “Yes, Jesus has cleansed us from our sins, but in order to stay in his good graces you have to do this, that, and the other.” Friends, listen carefully, this is a dangerous and most heretical view of the gospel of grace and directly challenges and dishonors the blood of Jesus and his finished work on the cross. The bible declares that “it is by GRACE you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).” Notice how God’s grace is depicted as a gift. Gifts can’t be worked for or earned, they can only be received. As soon as we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior not only are we saved from death but we become completely accepted in the beloved FOREVER: “But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed..even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe (Romans 3:21-22).” However, law and works based teaching neutralizes grace and makes it of no effect: “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:3-4).”
Now, let me be clear, I am fully against sin. Sin is evil and destructive. Furthermore, the law is holy, just, and good. However, the bible is clear that the law wasn’t given to impart righteousness or justify man by, but to the contrary: “Whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God (Romans 3:20).” The law was set in place to convict the world of sin and to highlight their need for a savior. I believe that law based teachers are good intentioned and God-loving people. They want to see people’s live transformed by the gospel and for people to live holy and upright but their foundational truths about righteousness are erroneous. It is only through revelation knowledge of who Jesus is and the grace he has bestowed upon us that holiness and righteousness can be obtained.
You may be asking, Ok, but if righteousness isn’t contingent upon people’s actions or deeds, won’t they be more inclined to live licentiously? Good question.. Let’s let Jesus help answer this question for us. Many of you know the story of how Jesus was teaching in the temple and the scribes and Pharisees brought him a woman caught in the very act of adultery. After dealing with her would be “accusers” by convicting them of their own sin he asks the woman, “where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more (John 8:10-11).” This is a beautiful depiction of the nature of our Lord, and a perfect representation of how the gospel of grace works. Not only does he not condemn us for our sins, his GRACE gives us the power to overcome a life of indwelling sin. It is important to note how he dealt with this woman. The order of his words are placed very strategically (Jesus doesn’t make mistakes; he is precise and practical in everything he does, says, and demonstrates). He gives her the assurance of grace first (neither do I condemn you) and then empowers her to “go and sin no more.” After receiving the Lord’s forgiveness, love, and grace is it reasonable to assume the woman went back to the same life of indwelling sin? Of course not! I’m reading a powerful book entitled ‘Destined to Reign,’ written by a Pastor named Joseph Prince, an excellent and world renowned grace teacher. On this topic one of the passages exclaims: “Sin loses its appeal when you encounter the person of grace, Jesus Christ, and realize all that he has blessed you with and done for you on the cross. You begin to realize that you have been given this great gift of righteousness and that you did nothing to deserve it. You did nothing to earn it and you did nothing to merit it.” Simply put, the more you realize that you are righteous, the more victory you will experience over sin! This is evidence of what bible calls the abundance of grace: “much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:17).”
When we get revelation knowledge of all that Christ has done for us we will begin to yield to the spirit and produce the fruits of the spirit which are: "Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is NO LAW (Galatians 5:22)." What law needs to be given to a person full of these characteristics? If one has self-control what need is there for a law against adultery? If there is Love in one’s heart what need is there to tell him not to murder? Now I’m not saying that grace makes anyone perfect, there is only one perfect and his name is Jesus. However, I am saying that God no longer imputes our imperfections to us. EVERY SIN that we have committed, are committing, and will commit Jesus bore them all at the cross. He was punished so that we’ll not be punished, he took our place so that we can take his place, and he was condemned so that we may become the righteousness of God. Beloved friend, it’s by knowing these truths and feeding off Jesus that we are made better. Self-consciousness produces uncertainty, confusion, and the end death. Jesus-consciousness produces Love, joy, victory, and eternal life. “The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:56).”
So friends, if you're struggling with your identity in Christ and wonder if God sees you as worthy of his love I want you to know that you are perfectly accepted in the beloved and that you can come boldly to the throne of grace with a clear conscious knowing that Jesus perfect work on the cross has freed you from all condemnation and has qualified you not only for eternal salvation but for having an intimate relationship with God the father on your journey to experiencing a lifetime of happiness and peace. To Christ be the glory in the church to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
hi cedrick, it's charlie from mexico.
ReplyDeletegreat idea the blog. I usually write my thoughts about the Bible on paper, but this is nice because you can share your experience with more people.
The theme of grace is so profound, and as you say, so misunderstood. we had this class at our church about grace where we learned that grace is not cheap, as so many preachers say, but it is costly, because it cost Jesus' life. so we should be very thankful with God because of this undeserved gift given to us that cost His Sons life.
You should look for some material from an autor called Dietrich Bonhoeffer. talked so much about grace during WW2.
blessings. hope all is going well.
Hey Charlie, long time no talk how's it been going? Hope your summer is going great and all is well.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, i'm glad yall are meditating on the true from of grace, which is what I decided to put as the title of my page.."true grace," lol. So many people aren't experiencing the fruits of the spirit because they still have a spirit of condemnation and fear because they are still works based. Instead of receiving the unmerited grace of God, they are still trying to earn it, and the bible says that when you do that, you fall from grace.
I appreciate the read and the comment and look forward to talking with you in the future..I encourage you to start your own blog and chronicle some of your own experiences about the grace of God, there can never be enough of the good news going around.
Take care!
Thanks for sharing what's on your heart! It is so good to see a young man like yourself captivated by our Savior!
ReplyDeleteThanks Keri, you and Karl have been a great influence on my life and continue to be an inspiration to all of us, your children. :)
ReplyDeleteI must say this blog is wonderful I understood grace but you explained it so much more in depth I wonder what is nexttocome with this blog :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jamie! I really appreciate the read and kind words.. look forward to talking more in the future, God Bless :)